Friday, May 20, 2011

It's been a month...

Hello Everyone,

So today is my one month anniversary for my blog and to some people that might not be huge but the whole reason im typing up this post is to THANK YOU!!! If your reading this then thank you..i have wanted to start a blog for a long time but i was never motivated until a month ago. I never expected so many people to read my blog.. i want to give a HUGE special thank you to Frankom, Bluetiful Nostalgia and BananaQ8. They all mentioned my blog on their websites and that is really sweet of them! I'm so happy that i can share my passion with food to all of you! :D

Thank You!

xoxo, Noura/YoungChefQ8


  1. First of all congratulations! Work hard and be patient w enshallah tmoren eb several anniversaries.

    I like to cook my own food most of the time, I'm interested in future recipes/posts u have to share so keep it up cause I'll be reading! :)


  2. 7abeebtee... I love your site and I love cooking :P
    All the best dear :*
